Here’s the hardware used to put our project together.
Materials Hardware Magic Mirror Hardware (1/2) Magic Mirror Hardware (2/2) The completed mirror and a definitely not staged stage for it. In keeping with the Raspberry Pi Palmtop article, I’ll avoid anything that requires special tools or 3d printers, or exact measurements. Smart mirrors are pretty easy to make, but everyone seems to make big ones, so let’s make a small one for your desk or bedside table instead. Smart mirrors (also sometimes known as “magic mirrors”) can display live information right in the reflection on a mirror – it looks cool and is actually kind of useful. You can set them up to display whatever information you want – calendars, weather, quotes, photos, reminders – it’s totally up to you.
Ever wanted to see check the weather is in Tripoli and read randomized Seinfeld quotes while you’re doing your hair in the morning? Smart mirrors are the DIY project to make that happen. This easy-to-follow tutorial covers how to build a small magic mirror using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a few other bits and pieces.